Monday, December 15, 2008

Samuel Kenneth Finzer Update 5

This is update 5. Scroll down for previous updates.

Samuel is doing well. He had a minor set back early morning with his Oxygen being increased from 57% to 60%. As of 12pm he has been reduced to 57% again which is good news. They have also reduced the pain medication to see how he tolerates that.

When it rains it pours. We found out last night that one of the tires in the Impala is leaking air. The water meter broke. The dishwasher also broke and is leaking water. My dad is taking care of the car. The water meter has been scheduled to be replaced. Rachael Ratliff has volunteered to do some research on the best price for a dishwasher. My mom is taking care of the kids. I am taking care of Leyla and being with Samuel.

Two pieces of good news:
  • My boss said, I am most likely be able to be off all of December to take care of my wife and be with Samuel.
  • HR at work said that the out of pocket will be a maximum of $3500 for Samuel for the entire stay at Children's Hospital. The birth will be separate. In the past it has been around $2500 after insurance. That means it looks like it will be around $6000 out of pocket instead of the $10,500 I thought it would be.
We met with the doctor this morning and he said Samuel is doing well. Samuel's kidneys have been getting rid of the fluid as they should. He also has been doing well with bowel movements. The doctor said Samuel is about half way out of the woods.

We met with the social worker to see what financial assistance is available. We will be filling out paperwork tomorrow.

Leyla is meeting with the lactation consultant here at Children's Hospital right now. Because of the stress she is having a lot of trouble expressing the milk. Leyla will most likely need to go back to the doctor as here swelling has not gone down as it should. She is still being put into a wheel chair to be able to see Samuel.

Beth McElheny has been put in charge of visits to the house (which are limited to two per day). She is in charge of handing out the rules and the code to visit Samuel in the hospital. She had people sign up to provide meals for all of January.

Bruce Lindman is in charge of putting together lunches for Leyla and I to take to the hospital. Doctor rounds are from 10am-12pm which means that we need to be there during lunch time every day in order to talk to the doctor.

Current needs:
Could someone pick up some fenu greek from GNC and bring it to the house? Jenn McCracken had good success with fenu greek letting down the milk. Leyla needs all the help she can get. Please respond to this post if you are able to get it.


CDHi Admin said...

A glass of wine a day was recommended by my lactation specialist when I was pumping breastmilk for my cherub. It really did help. Make sure to ask about that before trying it though, just to be safe.

Thinking of you and praying for Samuel and the whole family. Please let us know what we can do to help.



CDH Forums -

ftmomma said...

I am on my way out shortly... planned to pick things up for you anyway. Will be happy to stop at GNC. I'll call in a few.

mhutsell said...

I know these days are hard but my heart swells as I see the body of Christ step in to meet your needs. God shows up powerfully when we have NO resources to meet our own needs. I feel certain that as Samuel progresses (and PRAISE GOD HE IS!) that Leyla's body will respond with her milk. She is a momma in pain...and as she sees that little guy heal and grow...she will heal too. are a great husband, a great daddy. I am so glad you can take the rest of the month to take care of your nest. I am praying for you brother! Love to Leyla and the girls and Samuel!

Anonymous said...

Just sent you an email with some specs on a dishwasher. Let me know what you'd like us to do.

Stacy Brown said...

Some of your neighbors would like to donate towards your dishwasher. Could you put me in touch with Rachel?
Stacy Brown