Monday, December 15, 2008

Samuel Kenneth Finzer Update 7

This is update 7. Scroll down for previous updates.

I just got off the phone with Rachael Ratliff. Family Foundations, Cornerstone, my neighbors and others; I am overwhelmed by your kindness to buy a dishwasher for us.

To think that it has just been 4 days since Samuel was born. God must have something incredible planned for Samuel's life. I can't imagine the impact that this trial will have to further the kingdom of God.

I have no words.


rustyandjen said...

God knows when you have no words! So glad that things are improving for Samuel and things are falling into place to getting some things taken care of! We love you guys and are here for you day or night! Rusty and Jen

mhutsell said...

SEE...isn't it AWESOME to watch God provide in the hardest of times? HE is a GREAT GOD! Not just because He provides but because He chooses to! He loves us! M.